Report ‘MGIMO. Brief. 2023/24’

22 October 2024

MGIMO Endowment presents a report on the University's activities in 2023 and plans for the current year 2024.

In 2023, new bachelor's and master's degree programmes were created and existing ones were fundamentally updated with a focus on industry specifics, digital competencies and global research for the benefit of the Russian Federation.

‘MGIMO. Brief. 2023/24’

As part of the ‘East. New Start' special project, training in the comprehensive study of modern Asia and Africa was significantly enhanced. The number of Oriental languages studied for students and potential applicants was increased.

The pool of educational programmes in tourism, global agricultural markets, logistics, transport operations and digital trade is expanding, including those in cooperation with regional universities.

Under the Priority 2030 programme, MGIMO implements strategic projects in the field of applied international research, sustainable development regulation and global energy, trains personnel for foreign trade in agricultural products, tourism industry and territorial development.

In partnership with the venture capital company and the Endowment, the MGIMO Ventures accelerator of student and business projects, open to potential investors, is being scaled up. In 2023, accelerator as well as pre-accelerator programmes and the international accelerator MGIMO Ventures Tashkent took place.

MGIMO is progressively transforming its educational process through digitalisation, the most important project being the Digital Department (in cooperation with the Sbera ecosystem).

MGIMO student associations and sports teams are developing, regular summer schools and field modules are held, an international internship programme is being implemented and the number of corporate scholarship programmes is growing.

The year 2024 marks the 80th anniversary of MGIMO. The University's anniversary is also connected with the 210th anniversary of MGIMO's forerunner, the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages.

The jubilee year will be full of projects and events, the organisation of which will be impossible without the assistance of the University's partners and alumni.

The Endowment and the MGIMO Alumni Association invite companies, alumni, and friends of MGIMO to make an anniversary contribution to the long-term development of the University, to become a partner or sponsor of events.

The annual report has been produced on the basis of divisional materials since 2013. In 2023, the MGIMO Annual Report, which annually participates in the rating of public reports, received ‘five stars’ for the fourth time for the highest quality of the annual report.

Report ‘MGIMO. Brief. 2023/24’